The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132528   Message #3000936
Posted By: jacqui.c
06-Oct-10 - 09:25 AM
Thread Name: What fRoots thinks of Mudcat
Subject: RE: What fRoots thinks of Mudcat
The scenario that Bounty Hound describes disgusts me, as does the general dogma of some here. I started this site to learn. I had lots of questions, lots of ignorance, no idea of the etiquette and politics. I'd be eaten alive today, on my own site.

This site is meant to make sure this information and enthusiasm is preserved and available for the next generation. It sickens me to think they'll go looking for the variations of Whoa Back Buck and instead find vitriol, contention and bickering.

I expect my grandson here someday, perhaps long after I'm gone. I'm OK with what he'll find out about me here. Are you?

Reread Max's post and then go back over the posts that have been added since then. IMHO this is just the kind of bickering that can put good people off of coming back to Mudcat. It certainly gives me cause to avoid staying in on a number of the discussions here, even as a lurker, as they just get into insults and circular argument and that is just downright boring, to say the least.

I love this site - it has been a real life changer for me - but the attitudes of a number of posters can leave a very bad taste in the mouth. It is very easy for all of us to react badly to something someone else has posted. I have tried, over the past few years, to stop and consider my first reaction to any subject here, before actually putting it on the forum, where it can be seen by all and, generally, will be there for as long as the internet exists.

Put simply - engage brain before hitting enter.