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Thread #131641   Message #3000957
Posted By: *#1 PEASANT*
06-Oct-10 - 09:52 AM
Thread Name: The Concept of FREED Folkmusic
Subject: RE: The Concept of FREED Folkmusic
folk music- all of it all several thousand years of it
stop asking now

-a question of emphasis the current generalized emphasis should be inverted. (yes there are exceptions but overall folk music needs more accessibility and less cost and cross the board donations- all volunteer or none)Doesnt rule out pro musicians but puts them out of the center where they should be able to do better than before as there will be more access hence more interest....

-yes the living tradition is the most important part of folk music it compliments recorded and archived music and performance(entertainment) at the present time it is the most neglected component but one which helped folk music to grow in the past and survive many social upheavals and trials. We would be more secure if it were widespread.

You dont force music on people but through effective methods you convince them. Access is important- if you cant experience folk music at its best- small audiences, participate then you cant decide fully.
A huge concert does not convey the magic of the peoples music as it should (yes some people are exceptions)

Like brushing teeth- you dont ask people you tell them or at least encourage them. Like should not be for folk music practitioners a "whatever" aspect.

I think that any music brought into the oral tradition gives it an advantage. First it is a good method of preservation, the music in the head is the most accessible music- hey you dont have to find the Ipod- it does the most good there and with everyone having a stake in it- the greatest number playing and composing the more will be the demand.

Historically the ordinary people would play on a daily basis or sing. When they had a wedding they would find a pro. If you dont have the music how would you know to find a pro. At least when you have the music you know what pro you want.

Why folk music- well thats my field lets start with that. I would suggest that priority be given to the older music but that is my opinion. I stand by the any music argument. But for this forum it applies to folk music.

Look on the internet- Bodliean Ballads, my collections, collections of music are everywhere. Try to include the old ones a bit more often than is the singer songwriter trend today. Widen the representation a bit. If you call yourself folk I think that is advisable.

Keep me out of it. I am fine sitting here collecting and publishing and playing my whistle and alto horn and trumpet. I have no place to go been there done that. I do not feel locked out of any scene. I could use more money but that is really not an issue. It is an issue for the many poor people who feel alienated from the high priced venues here.

Yes they have been there. Most importantly they are tried, tested and work. So time has come to put them in place across the board. Everyone will benefit- what is there to loose. It has been pointed out that folk musicans do not make enough as it is.

The only ones who might loose are the profit takers and hangers on and leeches. But then you seem to think that there are none of these anyway.

So why not is the big question. Create more balance, more access and things will do just fine. The pros will make even more money and all will be well. Self help, self sufficiency, home made. Barn raising not contractor built. Serve yourself and never pay for service.

Create a real demand other than mere entertainment.

And yes its being done in a small way. It needs to be done as close to every way every day as it can.
