The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132596   Message #3000962
Posted By: Mr Happy
06-Oct-10 - 10:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
Subject: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
The theme of this thread's about everyday tasks which in the usual way of things ought to be simple & straightforward but occasionally can go horribly wrong.

Here's a couple of examples:

Just returning from Ingleton Folk Festival on Monday evening, came in the house, switched on the kitchen light - strange stiffness of the switch & no light.

Jiggled the switch about a bit - zilch!

Also just before leaving for the weekend, the bulb in the hall light had zonked & I'd planned to replace it this week.

Now back to the kitchen light, didn't bother messing about on Monday & thought I'd be able to discover the prob on Tuesday.

Tuesday morning woke up feeling like death, in the early stages of some flu-like condition.

Anyway, forced meself to examine the switch, then found as it's positioned very tight up against a kitchen cupboard, couldn't get a screwdriver in the gap to take a look inside.


So gotta remove the cupboard to access the switch!

Next, a serious attack of the runs, so had to beat hasty retreat to bathroom [too much information??]

Anyway, while pondering how to resolve the light prob, while sat there had a branewaive!

So back to face fray in kitchen, got a knife & managed to slightly loosen the switch cover & sprayed a narrow, quick jet of WD40 inside.

It worked! Let there be light & there was light!

Hurrah, Hooray, Huzzah!!


Today, after an early night to bed & a good rest, awoke feeling a little better, though having now developed a streaming cold, thought I'd change the hall lightbulb.

Removed the shade, went to unscew the old bulb & it wouldn't come out.

The glass globe had somehow become detached from the metal bit, so it was stuck in the lampholder.

To cut a longer story short, I had to remove the whole gubbins from the ceiling, disconnect the wiring, & generally bug*er about just to achieve the objective of changing the lamp.

Anyway all's working now.

Anyone else had experiences like this?