The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132561 Message #3000975
Posted By: GUEST
06-Oct-10 - 10:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Urban Fox - plague or delight?
Subject: RE: BS: Urban Fox - plague or delight?
I did have the mishap of walking into a fox last year on my way to work, I was in a hurry as usual but it obviously didn't hear me and I wasn't aware that it was coming the other way. Couldn't be sure if it was a male or female but we both were surprised as each other so it carried on trying to run through my legs. The thing I do remember with that encounter was that it's smell was quite pungent (not it's fault) not so delightful as it was virtually under my nose. But now I always know when a fox has been in the area through that experience.