The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132596   Message #3001041
Posted By: Mrrzy
06-Oct-10 - 11:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
I am reminded of the time I saw a co-grad student broken down by the side of the road, so I pulled over to help. Turned out she had runj out of gas and her flashers wouldn't work without the key in the ignition, so she lef thte keys in the car and walked up to get gas, got gas, came back, put it in the car, and THEN noticed that someone had stolen her keys. So now she has a working car that she doesn't want to leave while she goes to get her other keys, in case teh thief was just waiting for that, keys in hand, out of sight. Now, this is when I got there. A cop was already there, parked behind her with HIS flashers on. So I offer to take her back to her house to get her spare keys, cops says fine (small town), he'll hang out so nobody takes the car.
So we go to my car, which is running, radio playing and all. Turns out I had locked MY keys in the car... so the cop had to break into my car to get me to help her... broke the window mechanism with his break-into-cars doohickey... cost me a bunch to get fixed... got a little bottle of whisky from the grad student... man alive no good deed goes unpunished...