The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23183 Message #3001053
Posted By: Jim Dixon
06-Oct-10 - 12:07 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: That Old Tattooed Lady
SHE SITS ON ME a.k.a. TATTOOED LADY As sung by Mighty Sparrow
INTRO: Now listen to my story, boys. I need your sympathy. The big fat tattooed gal in the circus, she fell in love with me, And to prove her love was sweet as sugarcane toddy, She had my picture tattooed on her body.
1. She had the landing of the Pilgrims on her shoulder, And on her back she had the sunset of the west, And right beside her bowlegged knees, Two apple trees, While the pyramids look lovely on her chest.
2. When she decided that she'd like to add my picture, She simply couldn't find a vacant spot, you see. So she tattooed my poor face In the most peculiar place, And now whenever she sits down, she sits down on me.
[Note: Mighty Sparrow doesn't sing verses 3 and 4 in the video, but they are found many places online.]
3. She has a small gardenia tattooed on her elbow, And on her hips she has the lovely Queen of May, And right beneath her shapely spine, If you saw that, pal of mine, You would see the famous road to Mandalay.
4. She has a rusty hinge that's tattooed on her kneecap. It looks so real it squeaks each time she bends her knee, But she filled me with disgrace When she tattooed my poor face, And now whenever she sits down, she sits on me.
5. Do you wonder why I look so sad and worried? Do you wonder why I'm feeling mighty low? I would like to take a chance, And give her one swift kick in the pants, But if I do I'll only kick myself, I know.
6. The only time that anyone can see my picture Is when the tattooed lady takes a bath, oh gee! I get black and blue of course, Anytime she rides a horse, For whenever she sits down she sits on me. Whenever she sits down she sits down on me.