The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132561   Message #3001074
Posted By: Georgiansilver
06-Oct-10 - 12:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Urban Fox - plague or delight?
Subject: RE: BS: Urban Fox - plague or delight?
Sadly, since the banning of foxhunting in the UK, the amount of foxes rises dramatically each year.(PROBLEM1) Each vixen will bear three or maybe four cubs, teach them how to get food (by whatever method is available to them) and within a year she sends them off to find their own territory. Unfortunately, territory is limited so foxes are growing in numbers in town and city as well as the country. Unless there is a cull of these animals, they will become more of a problem as their numbers increase. I am not an advocate of foxhunting as such but it did serve to keep the number of foxes down. (PROBLEM2) The fox is at the top of the wild food chain in the UK. The numbers of foxes increasing means that their eating down from the top will reduce drastically the number of birds and animals that keep insect numbers down. The insect populace of this country is changing and we now have mosquitos prevalent and other insects which used to be obscure such as the Blandford Fly (nasty critter). There will be very little in the way of natural predator to keep their numbers down and already some accident and emergency departments in hospitals are reporting that more than half of their casual patients arrive because of infected insect bites. (PROBLEM3) The fox is a WILD animal and although it might appear somewhat tame when people are feeding them and treating them as tame. More children and possibly adults will suffer attacks and bites and the possible horror exists that babies and small children may fall prey to them.
You may... and you are welcome to reason against what I have said here but time will tell!
Best wishes, Mike.