The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132561   Message #3001098
Posted By: Will Fly
06-Oct-10 - 01:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Urban Fox - plague or delight?
Subject: RE: BS: Urban Fox - plague or delight?
I actually wonder whether the foxhunting ban has made a substantial difference to the overall fox population - I'm no supporter of foxhunting, by the way. I suspect there are more killed on the roadside than by hunts - but I've no data to back my statement up. I do know that, when I travelled to work early in the morning every day (retired now), I used to see lots of dead foxes at the roadside.

Oddly enough, I was talking to some fellow villagers in the pub the other day about the increase in dead badgers at the roadside recently. Some had the opinion that they were being killed by local farmers and then left at the roadside to simulate a road death.