The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127472   Message #3001198
Posted By: Donuel
06-Oct-10 - 03:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Bobert, When I have given a econ 101 course or a 101 course on anything here, people complain that it is oversimplified.

Fundamentals however are essential...

The difference between conservative and progressive...

The COnservative believe that you are on your own. They believe that having the money from accomplishment or inheritence is the key to repondsibility for one's own needs and wants.

The PRogressives believe that we are all in this together. They believe that pooling our resources can afford to benefit the least of us with essential services that we can not afford or provide for ourselves.

If you are rich it is easy to side with conservatives since you can afford your own security force or even your own fire department. You might say "Why should I pay for some one else's needs?" They are either lazy or stupid. Tough as it may be Social Darwinism will weed out the defective people in our country by ignorance or starvation.

If you are not rich you would hope that there is a public land and a public good so that you can afford roads, services and essential needs. You would want less to be privatized. If everything is privatized, not only does a middle man take a huge slice of profit before the service is delivered but it always goes up in price.