The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132602 Message #3001375
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
06-Oct-10 - 07:00 PM
Thread Name: what does mudcat think of froots
Subject: RE: what does mudcat think of froots
Ah, but those who wanted to discuss were allowed to. That was what was so strange, Vic...but not so strange as to why, when they had The Land entirely to themselves they all stopped discussing anything at all....
Ho hummy, eh?
Terribly boring on the fRoots board. It's Intellectual Folk on there, a whole new genre started off by Cecil Sharply and The Boys. There's very little humour to be honest, unless Papa Anderson makes a joke, whereupon all his peasants fall over sideways in helpless laughter, whilst congratulating him with adoration...which is a polite way of saying...........