The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132561 Message #3001794
Posted By: Stu
07-Oct-10 - 12:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Urban Fox - plague or delight?
Subject: RE: BS: Urban Fox - plague or delight?
Foxes replacing cats as the dominant predator? I don't think so, and I'd like to see hard evidence of where that is happening.
Foxes are kept in check naturally - cats are not and decimate wildlife. Foxes are a natural part of the food chain - cats are not and they have unbalance the ecosystem. As with badgers, we cannot simply go destroying what's left of our ecosystem based on myths, hearsay and prejudice.
For an argument in favour of fox culling to hold any water on ecological grounds then we'd have to address the cat problem first, and my guess is no-one is about to go shooting tiddles the country over. I don't actually agree with the hunting ban for a number of reasons, but personally I find hunting for sport uncivilised and boorish. However, each to his own as I'm sure many people find me uncivilised and boorish.
"They are beautiful creatures. Yet their whole existence seems to rebuke Englishmen. They live only to be tortured. Constance Masefield from the source linked to above.