The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132612   Message #3002684
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
08-Oct-10 - 02:10 PM
Thread Name: Tech: useful printing info from Consumer Rpts
Subject: RE: Tech: useful printing info from Consumer Rpts
Thanks, leeneia. Tips are always useful, even when they don't fit in either your system or interest field- they make one think of alternative possibilities.
Like guest Peter C, I shake the laser cartridge (cheap HP laser printer), and treat it roughly on 2nd and 3rd shakes for a "little more print" before finally consigning it to recycle.

I have an 8-ink Canon when I wish to get very good reproduction from my images (nearly all mine, not from internet or email). The inks are expensive, so I never use it for routine copying. Color pictures on internet that I copy "just to have a record" are made on the BW laser.

My principal sources of waste printing are articles that I want to read at leisure. These are mostly discarded after I have done that. I hate reading for detail off the net- the material in hand and my rear in a comfortable easy chair is 'far' preferable.