The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132652   Message #3002810
Posted By: Bobert
08-Oct-10 - 04:58 PM
Thread Name: Where the heck is our blues people
Subject: RE: Where the heck is our blues people

Hey, ain't like I'm slackin', ol'ster...

Ya' see... Yeah, I play the blues... I learned it from an African American, then took 3 pilgrimages into Mississippi and learned more from more African Americans and another 7 'er 8 years as a regular at Archie Edwards Barbershop and learned even more...

I got what I got down purdy okay... Least I can do what I want to do and I ain't tryin' to be black tho I gotta lotta African American influences in my speech patterns but also have alittle hillbilly, a little redneck and a little or this 'n that...

BTW, I really am kinda jammed as I'm scurryin' around trying to pack to leave for NC, via Richmond for the Richmond Folk Festival tomorrow, in the early mornin' plus...

...gotta a monster gig tonight in Luray that I just packed up fir when I'll not only be opening for Clarence "The Bluesman" Turner but gonna open with his band backin' me... I played with these guys off and on going back long time an' it's always like a reunion fir us to get together and let 'er rip!!!

Maybe Gutbucketeer look thru some of his stuff and find some Sidewalk Bob with Gutbucketeer and stick it up here, I donno...

The Blues thread I started went to 300 posts and got lotta good stuff on it... I mean, lotta good stuff...

Plus, ain't many real blues folks here...

Now I gotta get movin'... Bi night fir Sidewalk Bob!!!
