The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132602   Message #3002866
Posted By: Will Fly
08-Oct-10 - 06:07 PM
Thread Name: what does mudcat think of froots
Subject: RE: what does mudcat think of froots
Dick, I have a good friend who, for many years, has had his own business (based in Lille). His business has been acting as a major consultant and advisor to the newspaper industry - presenting market research reports, doing research, advising on marketing strategies, etc. - worldwide.

He mentioned to me months ago that the whole newsprint industry is in serious recession and serious trouble, not only from the increasing effects of the internet, but also as part of the overall global financial meltdown. His own business has shrunk drastically as a result of this. The major players - with interests in TV, radio, etc. - are surviving, and the smaller fish are struggling. It matters not a jot how well things may have gone in the past - the here and now of it is another matter.