The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131641   Message #3003406
Posted By: *#1 PEASANT*
09-Oct-10 - 04:57 PM
Thread Name: The Concept of FREED Folkmusic
Subject: RE: The Concept of FREED Folkmusic
Well don we do have communion but only every other sunday. I occasionally have a beer or two for lunch on Sunday maybe once a week I might have more than two in a twenty four hour period.

My beer consumption has nothing to do with this topic!

The problem is that certain venues and individuals activly discourage beer drinking. Absinance is generally a part of their alternative lifestyle, liberal politics, often vegetarian paradiagm and it turns people off. A barrier. Let adults choose. If its legal it is their business.

Sort of like the athletic english country dance I went to a few years back. They had transformed the cultural event into a gym work out session- no they did not advertize it as such but these individuals clearly thought of dance as simply a work out. Of course no beer and only nice healthy foods...extreme paradigms scare people away.

You can drink as little beer as you wish. But if you dont enjoy the alcohol, and probably dont feel it after just one try non alcoholic beer. No need pay for something you really don't need.

I am in favor of individuals determining what they drink and the rest of the world leaving them alone.

Moderation is also culturally determined. In some cultures- germany, Ireland,moderation is set higher than in most parts of the usa. I grew up in Munich where I went to college. Just try getting one small us beer at the oktoberfest. Thousands each day demonstrate that the proper size of one beer is the Mass that is Liter. So it is all what the individual decides.

Venues often place the drinks prices high to discourage consumption. Many restaurants do this. Musicians should not perform in places that have this custom.

Some people will want more than one and it should be affordable for the venue and the music to be most accessible.

Teaching is good but how much does it cost. That determines the accessibility. Sure people with thousands of dollars can go to a community college or university and take whole degree programs in Folk music. It is however not something one finds at the local community rec. center for free or inexpensive.
