The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131641   Message #3003446
Posted By: Don Firth
09-Oct-10 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: The Concept of FREED Folkmusic
Subject: RE: The Concept of FREED Folkmusic
"The problem is that certain venues and individuals activly [sic] discourage beer drinking. Absinance [sic] is generally a part of their alternative lifestyle, liberal politics, often vegetarian paradiagm [sic] and it turns people off. A barrier. Let adults choose. If its legal it is their business."

Every year the church my wife and I attend throws a talent show. There are a lot of good singers who attend the church (lucky for the choir!), and there are a number of musicians there. I generally do my bit. Free, of course.

Although there is no written rule that I am aware of, and I know that many members of the congregation, including the pastor, enjoy a glass of wine or a beer now and then, it would be totally inappropriate to serve or drink beer at this event.

And you know what? They are always well attended, and people really enjoy it.

"I am in favor of individuals determining what they drink and the rest of the world leaving them alone."

Fair enough. But if someone gets squiffy to the point of disrupting a performance I am giving or listening to, including a very informal event, then it becomes my business.

"Venues often place the drinks prices high to discourage consumption. Many restaurants do this."

Did it ever occur to you, Conrad, that there might be a reason to discourage consumption during a performance that has absolutely nothing to do with the profit motive?

"Musicians should not perform in places that have this custom."

Frankly, for reasons already stated (loud and rowdy boozers in the audience), most musicians prefer to perform in places that put a lid on over-consumption, in order to discourage that sort of boorish behavior.

"Teaching is good but how much does it cost."

I don't believe Bob charges anything for his educational presentations. And I don't charge extra for talking a bit about the backgrounds of the songs I sing. Nor for conducting or participating in workshops. And I didn't get paid for the educational television series, and although those who watched the show had to have access to a television set, all they had to do was turn their set on and switch it to channel 9.

What have YOU done lately, Conrad?

Don Firth