The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131699   Message #3003509
Posted By: Steve Shaw
09-Oct-10 - 08:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Subject: RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010
"must admit im getting over my head with the science"

Good. Honesty is the best policy.

"all of you atheists agree on the concept of evolution"

Not just atheists. The difficulty for those Canute-like evolution-deniers is that evolution has gone way beyond being just an interesting idea. It's a fact. It's true.

"but that seems to be about all, going on the bitching among yourselves."

Show me where we atheists have bitched among ourselves. Watch it -we're a comradely lot, you know.

"despite having sympathy with women in difficult circumstances i dont accept it as moral"

Well I'm sure they're all so grateful for your sympathy. I'll tell you what. Get your nose out of your bible for half an hour, open your eyes and unclasp your hands. Put your God on the back-burner for a little while and have a look at the real world, the one in which women have been serially treated as third-class citizens in a world in which they do three-quarters of all the manual work and do nearly all the child-rearing. In which they are kept min poverety through inequality ignorant through lack of decent schooling and denied access to sex education and contraception. In which religion condemns them for taking any control at all in these matters and serves, deliberately, to perpetuate that ignorance. Men like you do all this then give them "sympathy." Well done. Why not go a step further and give them back control over their bodies, of which you clearly know very little? The God you believe in aborts embryos and foetuses all the time. So where's your moral high ground?