The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132596   Message #3004334
Posted By: Black belt caterpillar wrestler
11-Oct-10 - 08:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
I was asking about fitting a new kitchen in a room where we intend to put underfloor hot water pipe heating and was told to mak out exactly where the pipes were. The fitter had a horror story about a job that another kitchen fitting firm had encoutered.

Apparently they were not given an accurate plan of where the under floor pipes were! As a result one of the the last screws to go into the floor just happened to find a water pipe in the floor.

It ended up costing £30,000 to take the kitchen out again, take up the marble floor, dig up the concrete underneath, replace the hot water pipes and relay everything and put the kitchen back.

Then there was the time when Anne's leg was hurting so she sat down on the patio set display chair at the DIY store while I got a new hedge-trimmer. She found the chair so comfortable that we ended up with taking the patio set home as well.