The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132596   Message #3004774
Posted By: Bat Goddess
11-Oct-10 - 07:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
Reminds me of the old pharmacist joke my dad used to tell (that makes it folklore, right?) --

Guy came home from work and found his wife slamming stuff around the house, growling under her breath, not very happy at all. After a bit of work, he managed to extricate the information from her that the pharmacist had insulted her, wouldn't tell him what the pharmacist said, but that he should speak to him in no uncertain words.

So he called his friend, the pharmacist and said, "Hi, Joe, how's the wife and kids, oh, yeah, my wife said you insulted her today -- want to talk about it?"

The pharmacist sighed and said, "It's like this. I overslept this morning. When I finally woke up and realized how late I was, I tried to throw on some clothes. Couldn't find a clean shirt so put on the one I had on yesterday. Pulled on my shoes, and, wouldn't you know it, a shoe lace broke. Tied it together and ran down the stairs. Didn't have time for breakfast, but there was no coffee, either. Dashed out the door and into the car and the car wouldn't start. Ran down the street to catch the bus. Almost missed it, but the driver saw me and stopped. Got on, but didn't have any change. Driver let me ride anyway. Got down to the store and there was a mob of customers waiting outside the locked door. Opened the door and let them in. Opened the register and discovered there were no quarters. Broke open a roll and they splattered all over the floor. I was down on my knees, picking up the #@%# quarters, when the phone rang. I got up. Hit my head on the cash register drawer. Answered the phone. It was your wife. She wanted to know how to use a rectal thermometer. So I told her."
