The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132247   Message #3005005
Posted By: GUEST,Tom Bliss
12-Oct-10 - 04:27 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Sibelius vs Finale
Subject: RE: Tech: Sibelius vs Finale
Well Nick, when I did RTFM it told me what I wanted to hear, so I bought it.

Unfortunately it does not do what it says in the FM. So Ring it again is not likely to help.

PrintMusic prints if your printer supports their fonts. If it doesn't you just get lots of little squares where the notes should be. Other similar (cheap) software offers a spooled graphic option, allowing you to export jpegs or tiffs, and I think that's a basic requirement, really.

Granted that keeping up to date with OSs can be a problem, but Make Music seem to have opted for a convoluted anti-piracy system which traps even honest injuns in its web - plus their support system is, frankly, unhelpful and slightly rude.

The forum would probably provide a work around, but this is a Trades Descriptions matter, so I'm dealing with the people who took me money.
