The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119159   Message #3005632
Posted By: Donuel
12-Oct-10 - 09:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Bush Years In Retrospect
Subject: RE: BS: The Bush Years In Retrospect
Having read virtually all of sawz writings and copy pastes, it is clear to methat he is in the closet. The closet of right wing conservative radicals who carry on a pretense of centrism while quoting Rovian party lines and Beckian distortions of history which the rest of us know as lies.

"yeah buddy I'm one of you"

Sure sawz, just like Christine O'Donnel is "you"


All the wrongs that I warned about going back 10 years, that have since come to pass, are the very same issues that sawz, Doug R BB and their like, celebrated as being right. They went even further and engaged in horrible accusations and ad hominum attacks as they rode the wave of the Bush administration.

The triumph they celeprated that are now known to be mistakes are deep and systemic enough that they too shall suffer deeply and for a long time to come.

This is not lost to them but they are unable to own their mistakes. Instead all associations and personalities respondsible for the systemic collapse, they merely blamed on Obama.

The mistakes I announced over the years did not take a brain surgeon to notice. Some were as simple as obeying the rule "Never wage a war in Asia, Never wage a war on 2 seperate fronts. Never bankrupt the middle class to the point that they can not afford purchasing power of any kind, since 72% of our economy is domestic consumer based buying."

Whether people are paid to hold views which enable to destroy this nation over time or simply hold these views to please a father or emplyer, the result is the same.

What saved the USA the last time we had a serious depression is that right wing demogogery and left wing solidarity both shut up long enough to wage a war against a common enemy.

This time around we have even less domestic industry left in this country but the idea of coming together is as likely as Fox News giving Obama a million dollars to run in 2012. The 400 wealthiest Greedonauts will simply not allow it.

Its time all of you ask why.

Why do foreign banks and individuals give money to the Republican Parety to run commercials against Democrats?

They know that the Republican Party has always delivered when it came to outsourcing American jobs to their country to the great benefit of foreign nations.