The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132754   Message #3005731
Posted By: Sawzaw
13-Oct-10 - 01:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unpopular Views of Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Unpopular Views of Obama Administration

People here in the US have fallen into the habit of drawing up sides and trying to overpower the other side.

This is being egged on by the media in order to make money. It could not be any clearer. It's in movies, games, TV, books, news papers. What the hell is not biased anymore.

Society works when people find out what they agree on and build from there. People everywhere want basically the same things.

There are very few people who purposefully want other people to be poor. Who would not like to see an end to slums and crime and the overall degradation of society brought on by poverty?

Who does not want education for everybody? Who does not want affordable health care for everybody?

People disagree on how to attain those goals. One side will claim that the other side does not want this or that even when they know it is not true. This is tribal attitude. "I have to go along with my side no matter what or we will not win against the other side"

Guess what the results of the battle are? Both sides lose.

Every person in the world has good points and bad points. Good ideas and bad ideas. You work with the good parts.

Maybe I am weird but I never feel distressed. I feel calm because I do not have to beat the shit out of "the other side" or I am doomed.

I think Obama has good intentions and he is a nice guy. He does not want anything bad for anybody. He is certainly not a racist.

It is the fact that his methods are not working. The people he has chosen are battlers. I think he is naive about what works and what does not work. He lacks experience.

I see him speaking to teachers one day and he has his left fist in the air saying he is going to fight for them. Then I see him talking to parents with his right fist in the air saying he is going to fight the teachers union.

Fight fight fight. There has to be a better way.