The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8715   Message #300608
Posted By: Big Mick
19-Sep-00 - 09:30 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat's Future
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Future
I don't know, Max, my friend. Let's just keep looking around corners and see what we find. Naysayers to the contrary, this place continues to be a cutting edge example of what a cyber community will look like and what it can be like. Even the jerks and whiners are important to it, just like in the real world. This place is a fascinating laboratory, that has produced some amazing moments and threads. It has transcended chat and information. Don't believe it? Read back to the Excellent Adventure. Or the Swan/Lane field trip to Toronto to visit our friends at Rick's house. Go and look into the various gatherings, like FSGW. How about our radio show, where old friends as yet unmet have a party each week. Hearme, what a joy. I know that wherever I have the good fortune to travel, I will have friends. And after a few minutes to get over the awkwardness, the music and discussion will break out and all will be well. I don't know what's next, but it is sure great to be part of it. Thanks Max. And thanks to all who make it so.

All the best,
