The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130377   Message #3006527
Posted By: gene-peace
13-Oct-10 - 09:40 PM
Thread Name: Getaway 2010 Program Planning
Subject: RE: Getaway 2010 Program Planning

In response to Ms King's post of 10/11 - 11:12AM as follows:

From: Ms King- "Gene-Peace, I am not sure what you are "suggesting," if anything. Can you "clarify"?

(Nancy, I'm sure we've met at various times over these many years of both of our involvements with the FSGW, I just can't put a face on it)

Response from Gene-Peace":
(Sorry for the short delay in getting back to you, I only just became aware that you requested a clarification of my 10/11 post- mea culpa)

Dear Ms King & with all due respect, my post of 10/11 in response to Lisa Null's (an old friend) and also to more then just a few other posts before hers; I must admit to having been a`little "tongue-in-cheek" in my post as a way to try to add some levity to what seemed to me to be becoming an anarchical free-for-all. Again, mea culpa, for not understanding the "true nature" of this thread, where subtlety and levity apparently have no place when it comes to addressing the "important" issues".

So in the interest of clarity as follows:

After my introductory remarks & comments and beginning after my words "but I digress", follows a Translation/Summation-

I was/am herein OFFICIALLY proposing that there be scheduled for the 2011 FSGW getaway, a (total) three hour Panel Discussion/Seminar (with a pre-seminar meeting on late Thursday (yes, I'm proposing an additional day be added to the getaway)or on Miday Friday for a Panelist orientation.
That the actual seminar/discussion be a three hour event, hour one a panel presentation debate composed of an equal amount of "pro" and "anti" panelist positions regarding the "establishment of a "permanent" Ballad/workshop, 2nd hour (which I referred to as "Tomatoe" throwing, dedicated to audience participation and questions directed at "specific" panelists"!, 3rd Hour (which I referred to as "cleanup" dedicated to group "problem solving" and a combined written recommendation to the various "anonymous" and "protected" and otherwise "veiled" committes, who will judge and debate pursuant to their final say, to be enacted or not enected in the following year 2012.

It's decidedly premature at this point for anyone to arbitrarily designate the "founding" of a permanent "Ballad" time/location, without full and all-inclusive group input and debate.
(That's the entire translation/clarification), oops, except for the following:

Kindly note my ending salutation in my original "levity" post of 10/11--
"A Modest Proposal",

Given a website full of Folkmusic experts, ethnomusicoligists from Scotland, Ireland Wales, England, USA, etc. ad-Nauseum, I'm struck dumb by no comments whatever regarding Jonathan Swift's, "Modest Proposal"- see Google: www.cummingsstudyguides.netModProposal.html

Pursuant to the above, Ms King, would you be most kind to respond to me by direct e-mail only- or by phone 301 434 2237. Alternatively, why don't you establish a new thread entitled - Pros & Cons of "Establishing" a permanent, multi-hour, BALLAD FSGW "presentational", SERIOUS POSTS ONLY!

Sincerely & respectfully submitted
Gene Rosenthal, Pres.
Adelphi Records & Films, Inc.
FSGW pre-founder/Founder 1961-64

PS- I found your request for clarification, including the term "if any" unnnecessarily "snide", but I forgive you.