The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128217   Message #3006529
Posted By: Naemanson
13-Oct-10 - 09:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Life in Guam, uh, Guahan.
Subject: RE: BS: Life in Guam, uh, Guahan.
Last night in class we were shown a recent Dan Rather Reports segment on Guam and the buildup. The consensus in the class was that they had done a pretty good job. Retired General Weisz(sp?) is the man tasked, as he said himself in the program, selling the program to the island. From what he said he has no idea how people on the island feel about the move.

If you can get hold of it you should see it. iTunes sells it for $1.99. I think it has already aired but I could be wrong.

After the viewing we had a class discussion. Apparently feelings are running very high. I could hear some real anger.

One thing they mentioned was the reason why the Japanese want the Marines out of their country. It seems about 15 years ago three Marines kidnapped a 12 year old girl, duct taped her eyes, hands, and mouth and then raped her repeatedly. That was the worst incident but it isn't the only one. Another involved a 14 year old girl who was out buying school supplies.

On top of that a Marines helicopter crashed into a drom on a local university. Fortunately nobody was killed but the Americans took over the site and wouldn't let the Japanese investigate on their own land.

Look at the report, make up your mind, and maybe write to your congressional delegation supporting the people of Guam.