The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128314   Message #3007638
Posted By: Bobert
15-Oct-10 - 07:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Republican response to Health Reform
Subject: RE: BS: Republican response to Health Reform
Well, looks as if the government is in the process of putting together an agency that will start explaining the ins and outs of the new health reform bill...

BTW, I fully understand that the angry Repubs are running on repealing this bill but the reality is that unless they get 66 votes in the new Senate, which is very unlikely under any scenerio, that all they are doing is wasting tax payer money with their grandstanding...

(Normal, Bobert... Wasting tax payers money and grandstanding is all they have done for 2 years now... Why would you expect them to change???)

Good point...