The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126147   Message #3007894
Posted By: GUEST,The Shambles
15-Oct-10 - 01:30 PM
Thread Name: Licensing consultation announced!
Subject: RE: Licensing consultation announced!

A number of quangos seem to have left us but the Creative and Cultural Skills Council lives to fight another day.

The following from John King:
The Creative and Cultural Skills Council have published another absolutely hopeless analysis of the performing arts sector. If you have spent £29.99 on this 'report' I suggest you ask for your money back. If you have been financing this quango out of your taxes, write to the Secretary of State for Culture Media and Sport.

The live music employment statistics are still two years out of date (as confirmed in Parliament by questions from Lords Colwyn and Clement-Jones).

Apparently there are 28,545 actors, singers, musicians and other entertainers in the UK in 2008/9. This figure includes part-time workers. A ridiculously low number, as this definition potentially includes all professional and amateur entertainment in the UK (including schools).

A note on p17 claims: 'as well as these, significant numbers work in the area of live music performance:
42,480 in 2006/07, rising to 50,776 in 2008/09 (an increase of 20%).
Creative & Cultural Skills. (2008).
Performing Arts: Impact and Footprint 2008/09. Creative & Cultural Skills.'

Even if either of these figures are accurate, 50,776 cannot be in ADDITION to the 28,545.

Pretty obvious mistakes - but enough to fool DCMS 'statisticians' who have been relying on the accuracy of these 'statistics'.