The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25571   Message #300795
Posted By: IvanB
19-Sep-00 - 01:18 PM
Thread Name: Camsco vs: CDNow
Subject: RE: Camsco vs: CDNow
'Guest,' although it's true that 'dwditty,' or 'catspaw49,' or 'kat/katlaughing,' etc. can maintain a certain anonymity with their handles, it's also true that because they have joined and selected a handle, I can expect that their posts will always be from the same real-world person. By virtue of that fact, each of us who is a member, as well as those guests who consistently append a unique 'moniker' to the guest appellation, take a certain responsibility for the statements made in our posts. Sure, the responsibility's only 'virtual,' but most of us here are quite sensitive to how we're received on the forum.

With your inflammatory and gutless post as 'Guest,' you do nothing more than make us wary of all who would post as guests, whether they have serious and cogent posts or not. So why don't you and you pea-brain wander on over to a forum where your racist views would get you more strokes, or is it that you just get your jollies by pot-stirring?

And mousethief, although I generally agree with your mother, I believe some things must be spoken out against.