The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25280   Message #300821
Posted By: Eric the Viking
19-Sep-00 - 01:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fuel crisis
Subject: RE: BS: Fuel crisis
Oh I am sure that we should be worrying about this government. They lie and decieve, they twist and turn, they manipulate,they are controllers, not makers of freedom, they do precious little to make things better for the common man (like others before them-but not all) but in opposition they declared that they should be whiter than white and better than ever and that they would represent the WHOLE country. To many of us who hoped for a brighter future (at least in part for our children)they have been a Bitter disappointment.I don't want the Tories back, but I believe they have shot themselves in the foot over this and now many are baying for their blood, especially the media who are now listing all the faults that have occurred since they took office. Cheers. Eric