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Thread #132816   Message #3009276
Posted By: Mrrzy
17-Oct-10 - 02:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: The 'moral' Atheist?
Subject: RE: BS: The 'moral' Atheist?
Cannibalism is usually seen as wrong, not because we can catch diseases from the meat,but because it is wrong to kill people for food. If they die of disease, it *is* stupid to eat them. If they die of natural causes, why eat them if there are other meats around? And if there aren't, then it isn't a bad thing to do, look at those rugby players whose plane crashed in the Andes. Nothing reprehensible about *their* cannibalism.

The funniest thing about cannibalism is that the brits apparently pronounce it canNIBBLEism.

Sex with close relativers is usually gross to people, which is a great biological holdover from the days before contraception. It's generally a bad idea to do things that are gross; we got wired that way for a reason. With adult consent and all, I wouldn't think you were IMMORAL for sleeping with your sibling, but I would think it gross.

It may well *be* immoral for people with genetic defects to insist on having children. But it's definitely immoral to impose sterilization on them for that reason. And anyway, who *doesn't* have a genetic defect? I am of the opinion that it is a biological(rather than moral) imperative for people with good vision, good teeth, and good senses of humor to have many, many, many children - to prepare for the fall of civilization.

And if you want organ banks, read Larry Niven's tales of known space - people pass laws calling for the death penalty for jaywalking, as long as the condemned go into the organ banks.