The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128314   Message #3009553
Posted By: Bobert
17-Oct-10 - 10:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Republican response to Health Reform
Subject: RE: BS: Republican response to Health Reform
Well, at least since the FDR, it has been the Dems who have been responsible for any bit of progress that the working class has seen...

And it seems that every time the Dems do something big it really pisses of the rich and they throw everything and thr kitchen sink at the Gems for having moved the country forward...

BTW, the US still lags way behind every industrialized nation in life expectancy... Hmmmmm??? The rich extract 17% of our GNP every year, double all the other countires were people are heathier and live longer... Then they take those profits and invest them overseas that take our jobs...

I'll tell ya'll what... Given the fact that the Repubs are so in far in bed with the rich that I find it incredulous that Redneck Nation has been completely duped into voting for these guys... This is like a sick and dieing man who has a dozen leeches allready suckin' the life out of him asking for just one more???

It is insanity...

But this is what happens when the media is turned into a 24/7 propaganda machine...

I know that folks are tired of hearing this but unless we find a way to stop the brainwashing of our countrymen and take the propaganda out and replace it with facts then Tom Jefferson's little experiement's days are numbered...

I mean, we are on the verge of being ruled by the stupid...

This does not bode well for the US... We already are scarin' off the brightest and best scientists and reaserchers... I mean, how many people with IQs above 100 really are considering coming to a nation where loonies who belive in the Rapture and creationism get to call the shots???

Beam me up, Scotty... The stupid think that their stupid frioends need to run the show...


BTW...Hope that if Sawz ever needs a serious heart operation that he calls on Bubba to do it...