The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132870   Message #3010400
Posted By: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)
19-Oct-10 - 04:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is George Osborne Brainless?
Subject: RE: BS: Is George Osborne Brainless?
Shadow Chancellor Alan Johnson yesterday called for higher taxes and billions of pounds of extra public spending to pull Britain out of the economic mire ! What a fool.

He said Labour would use a formula of 60 per cent spending cuts and 40 per cent tax rises to tackle the deficit, rather than the ­Coalition's 80/20. For every pound raised in tax hikes, the Coalition will make £4 of spending cuts. Under Labour's new formula every pound in extra taxes would see just £1.50 in cuts – implying much higher taxes in the long run.

It clearly shows Labour was still 'in denial' over the scale of the deficit run up by the last government. With comments like this it's not hard to see why Labour aren't in power any longer (Thank you God)

Labour have always left government with an economic mess for others to clean up, so I don't really need to listen to someone drone on that hasn't got a clue about money matters - or anything else really.

He ought to sit back, pick up the nice salary he's getting then go off skiing or on an extended holiday or something instead of trying to play to people like "Citizen Smith" Richard or have a swift half in a working mans club trying to one of the lads. He failed as a student, he failed as an employee, he failed as a member of parliament and he failed as a minister.

Ed Milliband and his circus is the biggest gift we could ever wish for. Tax tax tax and spend spend spend, That's exactly what the Labour Party did for the 13 years when they were in power, and that's why the the country is in such a financial mess today. This government is doing an excellent job, I look forward to their announcement tomorrow regarding those leeching of us on benefits. Personally, would like to see cuts in housing benefit and Incapacity.

It amazes me how many here Knocked Labour when thy were in power, now you attack the new government ! You can't have it both ways. Maybe you would prefer to go back to the days of Callaghan and Healey. They saw the way forward as taxing, to quote Healey "squeeze the rich until the pips squeak". Well they did and the tax RATE went up, unfortunately the tax TAKE went down. This happens every time the left implement punitive taxes yet they never learn, the saddest thing is that it appears that the electorate don't either because they elect them again.

The new Labour front bench do not seem to understand that it is the behaviour of their fore runners in Government that got us here. Tax, borrow and spend has been the mantra of Labour since 1945 and they don't look like changing any time soon.