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Thread #132816   Message #3010561
Posted By: Mrrzy
19-Oct-10 - 09:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: The 'moral' Atheist?
Subject: RE: BS: The 'moral' Atheist?
Ed T, I hope that I'm not - I try to remind believers *who claim their faith is rational* that faith, by definition, isn't rational.

I argue against what is often perceived by people who are not of scientific mindset as evidence for deity, when in point of reality it isn't data - not evidence for or against anything at all.

Besides, if there really were any such evidence, you wouldn't need faith, and I would conclude rationally that particular god exists.

I have no issue with people who simply have faith, against all odds or reason. My friends of faith are all like that. But the misuse of science to *serve* any organization that purports to tell you what their god wants of you is a crime against humanity in my book, and I fight it for very ethical reasons.

And those who find evidence for deity in the real world are generally being led to it by such organizations, or by their teachings, or by their influence.

I think it would be hard for a rational, scientifically literate person, who had never heard of deity as a child, to conclude rationally that anything in the real world demonstrates the existence of deity.