The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132816   Message #3011559
Posted By: Ed T
20-Oct-10 - 12:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: The 'moral' Atheist?
Subject: RE: BS: The 'moral' Atheist?
"That is why so many people are giving up their faith, now that we have explanations for all the phenomena we didn't used to understand, and so used deityh as an agency-based explanation".

Ummm...I wonder if that is supported by any measurable evidence. I suspect not. Taking a pass on being closely tied to organized religion, which likely is more of a western phenominum, differs to giving up one's faith...which I assume is aka, a belief in a God.

But, if the statement that, (very many)..."people are giving up their faith, was proven true, the reason for it may be varied and also cries out for evidence that it is correct. Could they just changing their faith habits" and associations with a God? Or, are we just hearing more of it, with the numbers not really changing much.

From my observation, and some of what Joe O posted, many RCs are changing their reliance on the center of the RC church. Some may have switched from one organized religion they have issues with to another. Or, some, like me, see no real need for a close or regular association with any church.

Something that was mentioned by another poster is many Buddhists and Hindus do not believe in one God, but, we see them as having faith..
"Hinduism, Buddhism can be hard to pin down as to its view of God. Some streams of Buddhism could legitimately be called atheistic, while others could be called pantheistic, and still others theistic, such as Pure Land Buddhism. Classical Buddhism, however, tends to be silent on the reality of an ultimate being and is therefore considered atheistic".