The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128314   Message #3011906
Posted By: Bobert
20-Oct-10 - 08:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Republican response to Health Reform
Subject: RE: BS: Republican response to Health Reform
Here's what you really need to do, Sawz...

Google up electorial map for the 1952, 1956, 1960 and the 1964 elections... That will give a glimpse of what the Dixiecrats were and how they jumped to the Republican Party after the Civil Right Act was passed...

BTW, maybe you could explain yer fascination with these rednecks...

No matter... I'd suggest that maybe you'd benefit from a good 20th Cenury American History course... BTW, remember Trent Lott??? Seems that his references to the Dixiecrats cost him his job... Lotta folks, especially older black folks in the South know all about the Dixiecrat, many of whom were also involved in the KKK...

And before you skirt the issue, yeah, Robert Byrd was a member of the KKK in the 50s before undergoing a transformation that brought him to be a very caring and decnt man later in his life... Wish I could say that about some folks here who are hell bent on defending folks that those of use who fought for civil rights know in our heart of hearts haven't made those changes in their internal compasses... The guy running in Wes Ginny being one... I couldn't believe that the Republican Senate candidate openly disrespected Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor with racist bullshit before an audience that plainly would have shown up to lynchings back in the 30s...

But this is normal this year... "Machaca" is a thing of the past... Yeah, we have had to put up with so much racism from the Tea Party this year and TV Wrestling talk from the like of Srah Plain and the other Repub women that it has left US bewildered at where the line is that the right won't cross... Everywhere you look it is vary bad behavior on the Repub/Tea Party side...

But I'll guarentee you that the American people may tolerate a little of it because people are pissed off but sanity will return and these racist comments will come back to bite these folks down the road...

We don't need to have the Klan in our Congress...
