The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132952   Message #3012121
Posted By: Charley Noble
21-Oct-10 - 08:25 AM
Thread Name: Search for the Real C. Fox Smith
Subject: RE: Search for the Real C. Fox Smith
The Doctor-

Securing the relevant copy of Sea Breezes should be a piece of cake. Chris Roche currently edits that nautical magazine and has an amazing inventory of back issues as he recently disclosed to me. Now if he can just find the copy in his storerooms...

I have this vision of Chris's house in the process of never-ending renovation, with boxes and boxes of plunder from the seven or so seas stashed from the basement to the attic rafters. But I'm sure he can lay a hand on that issue.

However, if someone near the Endeavor Book shop in Whitby just happens to find a copy there, we would greatly appreciate it.

Charley Noble