The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132816   Message #3012183
Posted By: John P
21-Oct-10 - 10:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: The 'moral' Atheist?
Subject: RE: BS: The 'moral' Atheist?
Perhaps we should turn the question around: Many Christians (including, apparently, Jack the Sailor) seem to believe that atheists, because they don't take the Christian mythology to heart, can't have any moral rudder. Doesn't that mean that these Christians can't be moral? Someone who claims to need a preacher and a book to tell them how to behave isn't really a moral person deep down inside are they?

On another topic, does anyone have a good difference between "morals" and "ethics"? My dictionary seems to define them almost interchangeably. I had thought "morals" refers to what society thinks is right and wrong, while "ethics" is more of a look at more permanent ideas about right and wrong. As in, the morals of the Victorian age were very different than ours, but ethical behavior is the same now as then. Should we be talking about ethics instead of morals?