The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131815   Message #3012602
Posted By: Bobert
21-Oct-10 - 07:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ol' Hillbilly Movin' to NC??? Maybe...
Subject: RE: BS: Ol' Hillbilly Movin' to NC??? Maybe...
Well, if they want my business then they gonna have to negotiate... I've dealt with bankers before and if they see that they are going to make some money they ain't gonna let you walk out of their office over a grand or two...

I mean, I am perfectly willing to let them make a decent return but that's about it... You let a banker think you are desperate and they turn into pit bulls...

No matter, a mortgage gives me alot of negotiating power with the seller so whatever I can get from him is money that I can use on the mortgage...
