The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131699   Message #3013644
Posted By: Ron Davies
23-Oct-10 - 08:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Subject: RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010
"list of proven atheist composers".

It appears the poster has a comprehension problem.

I am the one who has said that composers for the voice have been lopsidedly religious--or writing in a religious idiom--definitely not writing in an "atheist idiom" (whatever that might be).   Also that that fact is yet another argument against atheism--if one were needed.

Actually I'd be inclined to say that atheist regimes being responsible for more deaths than anybody else in history is enough of an argument against atheism--a reasonable person shouldn't really need another argument.

Atheists of the aggressive variety with which Mudcat is graced are, as I've said before, the flip side of religious fundamentalists--and just as desirable.

The real mystery on Mudcat regarding religion is exactly why some Mudcat atheists seem to feel they need to ridicule the beliefs of the religious, while the religious on Mudcat do not feel compelled to try to convert the unbelievers.

Live and let live should be an option.    But any thread--or idea--called "The God Delusion" is not live and let live.

Skepticism on belief in God is an eminently reasonable stance, as I've said before.   But attacks on religion and the religious often seen on Mudcat threads of this sort go way beyond skepticism and are not justified--in fact they tend to show nothing but their authors' paranoia.   

By the way, I can't tell you how surprised I am that nobody has come up with the name of a successful atheist regime.