The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132816   Message #3013690
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
23-Oct-10 - 10:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: The 'moral' Atheist?
Subject: RE: BS: The 'moral' Atheist?
Jack the sailor wants me to think my argument through and get back to him.

He started this thread by asking how a non believer can decide what is right or wrong.

Methinks the thinking things through idea should be, (and here comes the irony) based on practice what you preach... Think through your original question my friend. it is a non question as it questions whether you have to have an imaginary friend to have a moral compass. As the answer is, and has always been known to be, no; why bother asking it other than to invite indignation?

Good bit of logic chopping there. Yes, it is easier for a rapist to pass on his genes than for a celibate monk. What the hell that has to do with morality though, I don't know. Are you saying the offspring of rapists have a higher tendency to rape?