The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132816   Message #3013713
Posted By: John P
23-Oct-10 - 11:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: The 'moral' Atheist?
Subject: RE: BS: The 'moral' Atheist?
To phrase it in the terms you used my question was "What rudder do atheists use?" I never said or even implied that they don't have a rudder.

Jack, I believe that was your intent. Other things you have written certainly support the idea. However, you should be aware that many things you have said have also strongly given the idea that you question whether or not it is possible for an atheist to have a moral compass. Here's why:

In the opening post, you said: Even more interesting, can an Atheist have a concept of good and evil? That means that you think the subject is in doubt. Also, the quotations around the word "moral" in the title make it sound like you don't think atheists can be moral. Normally, quotations are only used in a sentence like that to add ironic emphasis -- in other words, to cast the bracketed word to its opposite meaning.

You then, through the whole first half of the conversation, asked the same question two or three more times, while ignoring all the answers you received. That made it sound like you were just repeating the same vaguely insulting comment over and over.

Then you came up with the whole idea of there being a logical path from atheism to atrocity. That REALLY makes it sound like you believe that atheists are by nature bad.

As I said, I don't think you really think like that. If you don't want to be accused of thinking like that, however, you should be more careful about how you word things, and you should respond when people ask you point blank if that's what you really think.