The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123429   Message #3013928
Posted By: gnu
23-Oct-10 - 06:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: New diet and exercise program for gnu
Subject: RE: BS: New diet and exercise program for gnu
On the accountability thread (October 2010) SINS said she might consider my "beer" diet.

Well, time for an update.

I have gone even further in my exercise program. Seriously, I am more determined than ever to really "ramp it up". Now, I keep my smokes in the truck. As it is fall and the cold winds are blowing, not only do I get a lot of exercise getting dressed to go out fer a smoke, I lose calories by shivering while I make the 3.5m trek to the truck and back.

Next, if I can handle it, I will actually stay outside while I have a ciggie. THAT will REALLY take the weight off.

All of these simple techniques have worked wonders. Fact is, I am at a weight I haven't been at for near thirty years. Me Mum said to me today (I take her shopping every day) that that women in the shops were obviously trying to make contact. I replied that it must simply be the (nee) LeBlanc good looks. She replied, "Of course, but you were so fat..." Then she invoked her age and forgetfulness... I roared with laughter!

It really works... over 80# so far.