The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132870   Message #3014154
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
24-Oct-10 - 08:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is George Osborne Brainless?
Subject: RE: BS: Is George Osborne Brainless?
Perhaps I should have stated the obvious whilst I was at it.

Democracy is all about holding to account. They have a maximum term, (fixed term if they get it through,) to convince us they are working adequately. if not, the ballot box awaits.

Any action other than the ballot box is not acceptable.

During office, democracy may be a moveable beast, but the citizens are watching, listening and when ready will use their vote.

Mind you, not sure anybody saw this government as a viable consequence of the election. Democracy ain't perfect, but coalitions are an outcome that can happen under our system. We don't tend to like them, even though this is by no means the first, even in living memory. As an electorate, we are used to and therefore generally more comfortable with "first past the post." This doesn't give a majority government by votes, just by seats. With 60,000,000 people, most of whom eligible to vote, anybody allowed to stand if they have a few friends and a deposit, I doubt you could ever get over 50% of the electorate behind you;

But I repeat; if there is any system that is fair to everybody, let's hear it.

oh, and everybody includes the Bullingdon club, Barnsley Socialist Alliance, fat cats and armchair socialists of the type I see at folk clubs whom I take the piss out of in my act.