The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133044   Message #3014334
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
24-Oct-10 - 12:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Direct Action : UK
Subject: RE: BS: Direct Action : UK
The Poll Tax was removed through non-violent protest, mp.

We are not dealing with decent people here. We are dealing with countries around the world who are now run by The New World Order. Search youtube and you will actually find Canada's Prime Minister telling 'his' people (ha!) that they have surrendered the control of their finances to the world order. He kind of apologises for this at first, saying that some may see it as a loss of sovereignty, but hey, that's the way it is, basically...

Stephen Harper is not the only 'leader' (Pah!) to have lost control of his country..

So many countries are now owned by those who run the banks and the huge corporations, who are so mega-powerful that we cannot even start to imagine how much they are worth.

The Zionists own and control nearly all the world's media, and when you start looking into the whole Zionist thing it gets bloody depressing, I can tell you! The Jewish people themselves are starting to stand up against what is going on in their name...

This is not going to be won by having nice cosy chats over a cup of tea...

I don't advocate violence at all. But I tell you what, there is nothing to put the shit into the pants of any government more than seeing ALL their people taking to the streets, saying "EBloodyNOUGH!"

As I said...lift your banners and chant "NEVER Have So Many Been Betrayed By So Few!" because *that* is the truth, around the world, where the Minority now control the Majority at every point of their lives.

"Sometimes, Liz, some things are so evil that you have no choice but to make a stand....." - My Dad

Those words of his go deep inside my soul..and they will never go away.