The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25295   Message #301442
Posted By: Bill D
20-Sep-00 - 12:44 PM
Thread Name: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
anonymous is one thing, undifferentiated is quite another...if you have some reason to not be identifed as 'you' least choose a handle to differentiate you from other 'guests'....I'm sorry, but saying " the only thing to be dealt with is the message" just doesn't cut is sort of true that a message should stand on it's own, but being criticized, hassled, teased...or even agreed with, by nameless, faceless wraiths is NOT something that most people care to deal with...
....and I strongly suspect that BEING anonymous colors what a person says and ultimately affects their own attitude and personality. (we have already had one 'confession' to that effect...)

In this forum, as things now are set up, no one can demand you have an identity, but you may get more satisfaction if you DO have one...even if it is spurious.

To those who DO often resort to being 'guest' you ever wonder at all how some of us can LIVE with people knowing what we think? ...(visualize little face with raised eyebrows and quizzical expression here)

(somehow, I doubt I 'changed any minds'....but, I said my piece)