The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25571   Message #301474
Posted By: annamill
20-Sep-00 - 01:41 PM
Thread Name: Camsco vs: CDNow
Subject: RE: Camsco vs: CDNow
Phantom, those of us who know Dick, know there is no way he would cheat his customers. He has been asked repeatedly to charge for the Digital Tradition Database and stands fast. It will be free to all!!

If some of us seem harsh in the dealings with Chef, it's only in defense of a wonderful man. Unfortunately, Chef was a new poster, and doesn't know Dick the way we oldies do and some of us did jump on him as if he was attacking a member of the family. ;-) It's hard to see someone like our Dick Greenhaus who is so generous and kind being hurt and I'm sure this hurt him.

As Max says, if a mistake was carried over from the previous owner, it will be corrected.

Love, annamill