The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132816   Message #3014754
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
25-Oct-10 - 03:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: The 'moral' Atheist?
Subject: RE: BS: The 'moral' Atheist?
Well, actually no, Jack. I don't think I was taking the piss. I genuinely thought that noting wanton destruction without motive in creatures other than humans undermines many theological arguments. Likewise, altruism in other creatures, (including plants) tends to throw the "in his image" into a cocked hat.

I don't know what the answers to life are, and goodness knows I try to to take an interest, hence the fascination in quantum mechanics. But I will say this much;

Religious scriptures, whether portrayed as truth or parable, are all based on the concept of intelligent intervention. Advancement in our understanding of the universe in which we "live" does not vindicate those scriptures.

As people in general become more educated, they question more, so religion as a mainstream part of peoples' lives becomes less. Sadly, the revivals tend to be at the more fundamental end of a belief system. I deduce from that the control of the masses tool that religion can offer is thankfully taken by those in power, hence religion perpetuates.

Nowhere do I see an argument that religion and morality are hand in hand. The stories make good analogies for people to base their own decisions on, and for that, religion can be a worthwhile comfort blanket. But the control elements of religion are neither needed nor relevant in an educated society. Neither are they the answer when society is breaking down.

Morality and religion may share an entry in the odd dictionary and in the minds of those for whom the relationship is useful to sustain a system, but they are also mutually exclusive.