The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25571   Message #301482
Posted By: Jim the Bart
20-Sep-00 - 01:48 PM
Thread Name: Camsco vs: CDNow
Subject: RE: Camsco vs: CDNow
As I have pointed out in other postings, I believe it is necessary to forgive people who at times speak harshly in defense of something that matters to them. This would apply to Camsco, the Mudcat, or ones personal honor. Thick skin is a good accessory when "conversing" with people whom you haven't met on a face-to-face basis. Maybe if we don't immediately assign motives and assume the best intentions instead(and I know what happens at times when you "ass-u-me"), we can stay out of the accusatory mode. Remember that it is easy to mis-speak or mis-represent yourself unintentionally when you're firing off a post. I applaud the removal of the "vile" posting and don't mind at all censorship of that sort by the keepers of the 'Cat. Lord knows they extend us all a lot of leeway.

This is the first time I've heard of Camsco or Folk Legacy (yeah, for an old guy I haven't been around much). Are there links? (I'm also a lazy guy, I guess). I like doing business with nice folks,too, and this being an-open-market-capitalist-type system, I'd like more choices to explore when buying my favorite kind of music.

Peace and relaxation to all,