The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133044   Message #3014907
Posted By: GUEST,Patsy
25-Oct-10 - 09:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Direct Action : UK
Subject: RE: BS: Direct Action : UK
>That is the problem mp, peaceful protests invariably get infiltrated by the voilent b***ards who have no real interest in the peaceful protest.

I have already phoned my MP and complained about some of the things happening. That is what people need to do. Bombard your MP's <

This is true as happened in London during the Iraq war protest there were some amongst the protestors who were just out to stir as much violent trouble as possible. I didn't go because of my job etc. but a friend did and she felt slightly unnerved by it. They can contrive anything to make it look like a thuggish mob and to make the police look under threat. Bombarding MP's is a start.

The 36'' screen tv and material things aren't important to everyone, I am not on benefits but still do not take holidays every single year or have the latest tv because I do not choose to, my children are grown-up now so I have been through the nuturing and schooling etc. but I can still appreciate how hard it can be especially now when children want what they see or read about in the media. I have known some women take two or three part time jobs in a day to make ends meet, at least they do it and should not be dictated to whether or not they should watch a 36'' screened tv or not because of their low income. Many well healed middle-class people got themselves into debt crisis before the recession using money they didn't have, programs have been made about it. As quibbling for paying for single or single underaged girls having babies the schools could do give a bit more guidance with this one and while they are at it educate the boys too to think above the waist line for a change and that it isn't cool. It is easy for a girl and boy to make a mistake it happens in all societies it is something that has always happened and always will. Older single mums would not make the choice of having a child without giving it a great deal of thought financially or anything else, it can't be assumed that they are going to be on benefit.

The recession has already changed ordinary working class people's attitudes and behaviours regarding waste and energy saving through advertising, news and general programmes even at schools to educate and inform children from that end. But for Cameron to start jabbing at the people who have done all this and the bankers have been the biggest rip-off crooks going is a bit rich. Demonstration is the last resort but if does so beit Cameron has had it far too cushy so far.