The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132816   Message #3014942
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
25-Oct-10 - 10:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: The 'moral' Atheist?
Subject: RE: BS: The 'moral' Atheist?
>>We actually have hard evidence that there is sentient life in the universe. With what we know so far, aliens are a LOT more likely than gods.<<

We do NOT have hard evidence that there is OTHER sentient life in the universe besides ourselves and maybe dolphins. We have "probabilities" of intelligent like based upon some very dodgy assumptions.

We also have the respected "atheist" thinker Einstein and everything he wrote about cosmology implying that it would take them (the aliens) hundreds of thousands of years to get here, unless they can bend the immutable laws of nature to their own ends. And if they can do that, who is to say that they are not "gods?" Who is to say that one of them is not Jesus if he/she/it says so? We have no way of knowing. Just as we have no way of knowing what (or who) started the big bang. Because the big bang supposedly began with a singularity and up to now at least, with our current information, we cannot know what is within a singularity.

I really, really, really do not have much use for Ravi Zacharias', time and resource wasting ministry of arguing for God. But can't we at least open our eyes to the nonsense on both sides of the debate?

Invisible God, act of faith and wishful thinking, defying evidence and laws of physics.

Visits from aliens, act of faith and wishful thinking, defying evidence and laws of physics.